New Lectionary

The Lectionary, which is the book that contains the Scripture readings for Mass and the Sacraments, is changing as part of the continuing process of revising liturgical translations. The new Lectionary will use the English Standard Version – Catholic Edition of the Bible and the Abbey Psalter. The changes are intended to make the biblical translations more faithful to the original languages, biblical scholarship, and to provide a text for use in liturgical setting that is more proclaimable and, where appropriate, more inclusive.                                                                                  The new lectionary, consists of 4 volumes and its use will be will be mandatory from the First Sunday of Advent. This will involve a considerable cost to parishes as the new lectionary is priced at £695 but we may get a discount if we pre order before the end of June.                                                                                                                                                         If anyone is thinking of buying a new missal, I would advise waiting until the new missal is published later this year.